Saturday, July 10, 2004

My 1st Post

Hmmm... My 1st post, wondering what should I write...Perhaps can talk about what happened during the day. I feel rather "stoney" today, probably due to a lack of sleep the previous night. But still gotta work though. Sat in front of computer all morning, break for lunch and more time in front of computer. And here I am still typing in front of computer here at night. Do I have a life at all!!

Anyway, got a lunch appointment with an army mate. Quite surprise he called me out for lunch, but it soon turn out he is working for a certain insurance company starting with 'P'. He did not make his intention obvious, but suggested we can meet up again soon. But that's life, everyone gotta make a living.

While at work, spent much of the time debugging my work. But not sure if I was debugging or planting more bugs. Didn't know that it would take me 1 hour to spot that missing double quote. But maybe it's because I'm not in the best of shape today...

Time's up for now, and hopefully this won't be my 1st and last post...


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