Sunday, February 05, 2006

PJ Party

It was S's birthday today. I went back office to retrieve some stuff at about 1pm before heading down to Golden Landmark Hotel, the venue for the PJ party. S and StupidGenius came a while after I arrived. We proceed to check in to the hotel room and put all our stuff. Then after a short rest, went for lunch and some last minute shopping at Beach Road.

Golden Landmark Hotel Room

After lunch went to buy a camouflage cream, which we intend to use during the party. Then me and SG went to Bugis Junction to buy some more food and drinks (as mixer), and 2 packets of ice. By the time we were done, it was around 430pm already. So we quickly went back for shower and prepare the stuff for the party.

PS: As a sidetrack, saw Bryan Wong filming Love Bites 2 at Bugis Junction.

Brian Wong @ Bugis Junction

FL, T and XY were the first to arrived... They only changed into their PJ after arriving at the hotel room. Then =.= came, but his PJ was still with me so he also changed at the hotel room. But he downed one shot of Jack Daniels as part of the entrance criteria for the party. PS was the next to arrive, but he was also not in PJ but also drank a shot of the same liquor. While waiting for DT, we played "In between" with the same forfeit as what the few of us played at GC's place on thursday. Finally DT came, and to our surprise, he came in his PJ (the only one to do so...).

The night started by having a Lou Hei session (again), followed by dinner, in which we ordered pizza. Then we started playing a slight variation of 激爆骰子乐 (one of the games from the taiwanese TV Show 小气大财神). The game goes like this: one banker would draw a random number (in our case from 0 -59), and each player would call out 1 to 3 numbers in a sequence. Each player (except the banker) have can use one of 'Pass' (to pass on the call to the next player) or 'Reverse' (to pass back the call to the previous player). The person who calls the secret number would be deemed as the loser. Our forfeit is that the loser would let banker (or if the loser is the banker, the one who calls the number just before) draw one stroke on the face. Think everyone was having fun with this game, with =.= and DT losing the most. But then T lost the last 2 rounds and her face was not spared by =.=.

After the first game, we break for birthday cake cutting and singing of birthday song. Then we presented S the presents that we shared, which includes 2 shirts and a bag. After that was more game, and this time we played 杀杀反杀. Its a bit difficult to describe the game. but it involves a fair bit of hand coordination. Those who fail to get the correct action would have to drink up a concoction of Jack Daniels + Coke or Vodka Orange. As the game goes on and more and more people drank, it was more likely that the hand coordination suffers, as demonstrated by =.=.

Then everyone started leaving one by one. In the end, only PS, S, SG, XY and me stayed. After some more game of dice and drinking, all of us got change out of our PJ and went out for supper. Ordered bah kut teh and fried oyster for supper. Watched the long drawn penalty shoot-out between Ivory Coast and Cameroon while having supper at the coffeeshop.

Went back to hotel, and played dai di for a while with S and SG. While XY and PS were resting on bed, the 3 of us lay on the floor and chat all the way til day break. Can't imagine me not sleeping for the whole night! Then PS left, followed by XY. Later the 3 of us went to the hotel cafe for breakfast, and we only had 2 breakfast vouchers. The 3 of us went in anyway. But the food there was not nice and the selection was limited. Later found out that we were not charged for the extra person at breakfast. By the time we checked out, it was around 930am. Took the MRT home from there. I'd need to go home and packed my luggage in time for the flight on the same night.


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