Sunday, October 31, 2004

The TV that blew

When I came back from chalet on sunday morning, the first thing my mum said to me when I stepped into the house was, "Oh... The TV blew up!" she said in hokkien.

My first thought was:"Luckily I was not around this time..." Why do I think this way, well... I had a history of spoiling electrical/electronic goods. But I think I'm just very sueh because I just happpened to last touch the devices before it spoilt...

So back to the TV, this time though, I'm acquitted of all charges since I wasn't at the "scene of the crime" when it happened. Even then I wouldn't be able to escape the consequence of this episode, i.e. I would have to bear the cost of repairing the goggle box... That would set me back by some amount this month (hopefully not too much)...


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