Tuesday, November 02, 2004

What's with the taxi driver?

After a long day of work, was feeling so sianz and wanted to get home asap... Decided to call a cab and waited at the main entrance of my office building as usual (the crucial part is that my office building is situated at the corner of a cross-junction)...

As I waited and waited, no sign of my cab coming... Minutes ticked by and as I was about to call back to the Cablink call centre, the taxi driver called on my hp...

In a not-so-friendly tone of voice, he asked where I was. I conveyed my exact location, and at the same time caught sight of the cab... As I was entering the cab, the driver started mumbling that he was waiting at the other side of the building and commented that I should have told the operator my location clearly... I was like what the ****....

Then I told him that I made my booking with the system without going through any operator and that I was waiting at the main entrance of the builing all along... We were almost like arguing where the main entrance of the building is, when I decided there is no point arguing anymore (hey, I wouldn't want to provoke him since he's the one on the wheel)...

Well, none of this happened in the 10 times or so that I called a cab before today... At least some of the previous drivers bothered to call me to check on my exact location... Perhaps this time I should be more vocal and voice this incident to the Taxi company concerned...


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