Saturday, August 20, 2005

WP's Bithday Chalet

Seems like a few weeks never write again, so thought maybe can start picking up again...

Anyway went to WP's chalet at Pasir Ris Park this evening. Btw, WP is the new attachment student from NYP. He was under E before she left, think now is being 'transferred' to XY liao... He seems so 乖 when he first came but then after a while... *sigh*... (好八卦的一个小男生喔)...

His birthday is tomorrow monday actually, but booked the chalet for 4 days, each day inviting different group of people. I was pretty honoured to be one of the few to be invited... hehe...

Met up with E, S and XY earlier to shop for WP's present at White Sands. Think the shopping center is really small compared to a lot of others. We were still thinking what to buy for him, though he did mention things related to basketball or a Mazda 6 (since we cannot afford the real thing, we thought of buying him a model instead). In the end, we had to settle for a set of basketball jersey (but not before pondering over the size to get) coupled with a water bottle.

Then we proceed to take the feeder bus to the chalet, but alighted at the wrong bus stop. WP did SMS me on where to alight, but the mesage came a little too late lor... Tried to find the place but eventually decided to call him and ask for direction as this would be more efficient...

Finally, the four of us managed to spot WP who was on his way to fetch us to the chalet. Quite a lot of people were at the chalet already, all of which, I think, are his relative. So we feel a little bit out of place over there and only sat at a corner and had our dinner. After dinner, me, S, WP and XY had a short (really short) mahjong session, while E sat aside and watched us play... The highlight, at least for me, was my 满贯kena 截胡 by S... *diaoz*... It's been a long time since I last played mahjong already, at least I can't remember when was the last time I played liao.

After a while, though, we had to stop our game. Then we waited until after the birthday song was sang and the cake was cut before we left. It's seems good that you get to celebrate your birthday in such a manner...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaha, hmmm, can copy this and put in my blog sia hahaha, so i dun need to write the story inside again hahahahaha....... (J.J)

anyway, now WP is under DT... hahaha, i cannot control him sia....

hmm, and seems like someone might have a chalet next year during bday? hahaha..... remember to invite us oh wahaha........

16/4/06 11:57 PM  

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