Friday, November 25, 2005

Lunching and Shopping for Frutti Day

As usual, went to Suntec to buy the stuff for the event, however we did not take a bus there and walked instead... Today there were four of us, D, GC, S and me... These days getting less and less ppl going to buy the stuff liao, cos ESC got one less member again with PS gone and also XY not ard...

Had lunch at Thai Express at CitiLink instead of at Suntec, cos I remembered that I got a $10 voucher which was expiring soon, so suggested going there... The last time that I ate at Thai Express was around half a year ago just before my birthday, so essentially my orange card was used for the 1st time today... The outlet here was rather small IMO, and the seats were like cramped together... I ordered a Tom Yum Seafood stick noodle, which was pretty nice, although a bit spicy and small in serving... The curry soft shell crab that D ordered looks very appealing, maybe next time should order that... Actually wanted to ordered desserts but thought otherwise as it was already quite late and we still havent go shopping yet...

After lunch but I was still feeling a bit hungry, so went to Gelare and bought some chocolate cookies for $3.90... Taste not too bad although I think Famous Amos one is nicer... But still managed to finish up the whole packet of cookies even before reaching Carrefour... An as usual, went to Secret Recipe to order a cake first... and this time the cake was cheaper than before, i.e. $39.90 (and there was still a 10% discount on top of that)... This the waiter there said was because due to overwhelming response in the promotion in Oct where the cakes were selling at half price, so they decided to continue selling at a lower price... Ordered a mango cake and then went into Carrefour to buy fruits... bought the usual selection of fruits, such as grapes, banana and cherries and also got a new type of fuits, i.e. pomegranate... now that I know what this is... Meanwhile we also bought another cake from bengawan solo... GC also bought some Carrefour brand chocolate ice cream and this reminds me of the tub of yam flavoured ice cream bought from here a few months back which was not finished but discarded i think...

By the time we were done, it was really late liao... and so we headed back to office ...


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