Sunday, November 20, 2005

Work work

Oh no... more work coming my way for the new proj... some more tomorrow need to go client side for support (sianz, cannot siam)... and need to clean up my office PC for audit purposes, now dunno where to put all my stuff (u all shld noe wat i mean)... any kind soul wanna sponsor a HD? hehe... I think 20 GB shld be enuff...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

your new or old client?

bwahahahahhaa........... audit purposes hahaha..... its only for softwares rite? that's what i read from the mail lar.... =PP

anyway i not around in office then how he going to audit my comp??? hiak hiak hiak...... does that give you an idea leh..... =PPP anyway if you not around when he wana look for you then ok liao rite? another idea hahaha........

18/4/06 12:18 AM  

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