Thursday, November 03, 2005

Malaysia Trip: Day 4 (Kuala Lumpur --> Malacca)

Was going to catch the 1030am bus to Malacca today, so woke up at around 830am to wash up and have breakfast... On the way back to the hotel, there was some performance juz outside of the hotel, so stopped by to have a look... The person was actually trying to sell some medical oil and the performance was to showcase how good his product was... Stayed to watch a bit of his "performance" as there was still time before the bus ride... but waited a while he is still talking about his product...

Anyway the bus journey from KL to Malacca was supposed to be about 2.5 hours... but the bus actually went to a few small towns for stops before finally arriving at Melaka Sentral, where the bus terminal was... and time of arrival is 1330... E had already arrived at Malacca at around 12 and she went to an internet cafe while waiting for us to arrived... Then we took a cab to meet up with E, who had also searched the net for some hotels and places to visit in Malacca...

By the time we meet up, it was already 2pm and we decided to walk down the street to find an accommodation for ourselves... After walking for about 10 minutes, reached a hotel called "Lucky Inn" and decided to stay there... It was RM115 per night, which i think it was cheap enough until someone else told us that we can get even cheaper acommodation else where... But sadly, I am going to sleep on a spring bed for the next 2 nights (argh... gonna miss my cosy bed at home, and think will appreciate it more after the trip)...

After checking into the hotel and putting down all our barang barang, went out the street for some sight-seeing... The whole street was rather empty with not a lot of shops opened, maybe cos of the Hari Raya holiday... And as usual, did a lot of walking, from our hotel down to Christ Church Melaka / Melaka Fortress there... Climbed up the hill and took quite a fair bit of pictures over there... Then walked down to Jonker Street for window shopping...

Then we decided to have a rest at this place called Bamboo Hut, which was selling stuff and also food... Wanted to order the chendol here but the waitress said that it might take half an hour! Later on they even stopped taking orders (wonder if it was that good...) ... It was here that we met a family of 3 from Johor, who were sharing the table with us... We started chatting, and then E asked them the places that we could visit here in Melaka (it was first time here for all of us...)... Then out of the blue, this family offered to bring us around the area... And since we have no idea of where to go from here, we agreed to their suggestion...

All of us then continued walking down Jonker Street before going for dinner... They had wanted to bring us to some back lane alley for dinner... According to them, the street side stalls there sold a lot of delicious food... But all the stalls were not opened, perhaps due to holiday... Instead, we went to a restaurant selling satay celup, where you would dip the food into a boiling pot of satay sauce and then consume it... this was something that couldn't be found in SG... everyone was tucking away happily, especially the little kid of the family... At the end of the day, we could see a table full of empty stay sticks, although compared to other tables, this was only small case ...

After dinner, the family offered to drive us to some of the places for visit oso... We passed by the San Po Well and temple, St John's Hill, and went to the Portuguese Village... In the course of going to the Portuguese Village, we made a couple of wrong turns and circled the town quite a few rounds... At the Portuguese Village, there are a lot of stalls selling seafood, and also sourvenirs...

Went for supper with the family after that, and yet ordered a great variety of food... E ordered a super duper extra spicy taiwanese sausage which all of us managed only one bite... Cos after the bite, the lips and the tongue all simply went numb... After dinner, we were driven all the way back to our hotel....



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