Monday, January 02, 2006

Last Day of Holiday

KTV session @ Oriental PartyworldToday is the last day of the long weekend, and I have been on leave since the week before Christmas, so it feels a bit sian when I know that I have to go back to work tomorrow... Anyway went KTV @ Oriental Partyworld today. And we have a new kaki who joined us for the first time today, i.e. YP... The rest of the people includes AJ, ET, FL, S, SM, XY and me... Met at around 3 in the afternoon, and as usual, the session lasted for 4 hours... Couldn't sing very well today (not that my singing is that good...) cos throat was feeling a bit funny...

After K went to a newly open eatery juz beside the Chang Cheng Porridge for dinner where HL oso joined... The shop sold a variety of food ranging from Western, Japanese to Hong Kong styled cuisine... However, there seems to be some mis-comm between the guy taking order and the guy at the counter, i.e. they always served out the wrong order... And we waited for quite some time before all our food were served...

After dinner, ET, FL, HL and YP went off for work!!! So the rest of us went back office play pool instead... I didn't play very well today, maybe bcos never play for a while... But one of the moments was that XY managed to pocket the black ball at the opening shot, the first time I've seen anyone done it... We rotated among ourselves and everyone played a few games... Left for home at around 10pm...


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