Monday, December 26, 2005

Cameron Trip: Day 3

Only had less than 3 hours of sleep last night (*yawn*)... Had to get up though cos E and YM were leaving for Singapore on a morning bus... They finally got the 1030am bus ticket on the previous day, despite some mix-up by the boss of the local travel agency... E and YM were all packed and prepared for check out at about 930am, then we all went for breakfast at a coffeeshop nearer the bus station... But YM couldn't even have his breakfast in the shop as the time was almost up, so he had to da bao his food...

After E and YM left, the 3 of us finished up our breakfast and then further explore the town (although there were nothing much to explore really)... Went back to our hotel for rest and played more game of dice, in which the game was seen from a Taiwanese entertainment show...

Decided to go to Brinchang Town in the afternoon... We took a cab there, which costs us RM$6, and the journey took about 5 minutes... Actually there weren't much to see or do at Brinchang as well, only 2 rows of shops, mostly restaurants... Spent around half an hour finishing exploring the town, then had lunch at Secret Recipe where all of us ordered Chicken, i.e. Mexican Chicken (XY), Chicken Cordon Bleu (S) and Grilled Mushroom Chicken (me). But think mine taste the worst out of the 3... We had wanted to order a slice of cake but were too full to do so after having the main course...

Wanted to head back to Tanah Rata, but then S saw a KTV lounge at one of the hotels there and decided to check it out (think it was Hotel Rosa Passadena)... However the lounge was not opened until at night... Also inquire from the hotel staff that there would be a night market just outside of the hotel tonight... Usually the night market is only on weekends, but as it was holiday during this period, the night market is on weekday too...

As it was still early, we decided to walk back to Tanah Rata, which was something like 5km away from Brinchang... We started walking at around 330pm, and after 10 minutes, we reached a T-junction with a sign saying 1.8km to Tanah Rata... But it was a side road which we did not take on our journey here... However, being adventurous, we decided to take this supposedly shorter route (although it turned out otherwise)...

Trekking Back To Tanah Rata

We finally walked back to Tanah Rata after making a detour, total time taken was around 1.5 hours (all these just to save RM$6!!!)... But at least it helps burns some calories... lolz... Stopped by Marrybrown for a drink and then went Century Pines Hotel and nua down there... We are still deciding whether or not to go back Brinchang for the night market. In the end, our fate was decided by the flick of a coin, where the outcome is that we would not be going back...

Just as we were about to go back and rest, there was a group of Singaporean who went trekking down to Parit Falls, and we also tagged along (or follow them rather)... It was a short walk, completed in about half an hour... Took quite a few pics at the waterfall although the fall is not exactly fantastic just a small one IMO...

Parit Falls

Then decided to da bao dinner back to our accommodation... Once again we bought quite a lot of food. Also bought some beer back... We were having our dinner at the balcony and played some dice games in which the loser will bottoms up (not really do that la...)... I guess we must have been too noisy that one of the guest / resident (not sure which) shouted at us, saying that we were making too much noise, threatening to call the police no less... So we moved back to our room and continue with our game... In the end, it was S who drank the most... Finally went to bed after finishing up all the beers...

Dinner @ Cameron



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