Friday, November 19, 2004

The Taxi Driver's at it again

Work til quite late yesterday, so as usual took a cab home... some of the taxi drivers are quite chatty, while others got a bit of attitude problem (see my previous entry)... but this one is quite amusing...

The 1st thing he said, in a typical singapore-style English (aka Singlish), after i stepped onto the cab was:"Young man, when you work ah, you must have a target. If hor, you think you can't reach your target, then you better zao liao (run away)..."

Then he went on and on at how Singapore, as a developed country, still cannot provide everyone with a decent income, to at least sustain a basic standard of living. This is in comparison of other developed country such as Australia. Then he said that his daughter had migrated to Australia and how she was able to send back a substantial amount of money whilst working as a sales manager over there.

Before long, he started criticizing the Lee regime and their monopoly (you'll probably know who he's referring to bah)... like how SME cannot compete with government linked companies and all the taxpayers' money went into their pockets... I got a feeling that this driver really dun like the Lee family...

Anyway, looking forward to see if the next time I board a taxi, the driver can amuse me as much... (oh but that means i'll be working until very late again... sianz...)


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