Thursday, August 25, 2005

Dinner @ Suntec

Had a dinner appointment with Uni friends on thursday, which is like once in a few months thingy... As usual we went to Suntec for dinner... And we patronized Country Mana this time around... Was suppose to have 7 people turning up, but 2 of them, HW and DL, cannot make it at the last minute due to work commitment...

As usual, arranged to meet at City Hall MRT at around 715pm, but I was a bit late. SK was the first to arrive and think he SMS-ed the rest of us, cos there was no one at the station on time. By the time I reached, which was around 725pm, J had also arrived. As the rest, by now only D and XH, had indicated that they would join later, the three of us made our way to Suntec.

At the dinner, we catch up a bit with each other. SK is going oversea for work for 1.5 years. He'll be leaving in early Nov, so we suggest having a farewell dinner one week before he leaves. We also commented on how come SK can dress less casual when at client side than in his office (which is rather strange). D and XH are still going for their Masters

Went Coffee Bean for some desserts and drinks after dinner. I had ordered a banana cake, which doesn't taste like there's banana inside. Futhermore the cake is hard as a rock!! But no choice, still gotta finish it in the end... As the following day is a working day, therfore we will leave at about an hour later, which is about the time the shop closed...


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