Sunday, November 27, 2005

Another Skating Session

Thought that was unable to go skating this week as the weather was rather wet for the whole of this week, but surprisingly the weather today was bright and sunny... But with JX unable to come, I spraining her ankle and what had happened to =.= the previous day, it was left with me and FL for the session today... brought FL to the usual shop that I had rent my skates before I bought my new pair of skates, and it was considerably cheaper compared to the shop beside the skating ring...

However, the skates from this shop was different from the one in the previous week, and FL had some trouble getting used to the skates and the balance... esp when this pair was was somewhat 'faster' than the one she wore last week... So she was complaining that it was back to square one again and she had to learn all over again... Indeed she had a couple of falls today and a few scares on some other occasion... I was also pretty worried for her esp when going down slope...

At around 12, YS called to say he was also at ECP and we meet up with him along the way... Then FL complained some more to YS about the skates... After that, YS and his wife went off as FL's pace still can't catch up with them yet... By the end of the session, I think FL had gotten used to the skates again, so maybe next time can still rent from the same shop... Then went to Mac for a drink before going to Parkway for lunch and call it a day.


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