Sunday, September 18, 2005

ECQ Retreat 2005 : Day 3

Going Home...

Remember that my room door was open before I slept but somehow it was closed in the morning (must be the wind)... The power supply was still unavailable and no wonder I was perspiring... =.= woke up earlier than me and opened the rear window to let in some winds... But by this time I was also awake and after washing up, went next door to call FL, S and XY to go for breakfast...

After breakfast went back to room, play cards and waiting for checkout... then notice that there was a note slipped under my room door saying that the power disruption was an island wide thingy as one of the cable snapped, and that power will resume in the afternoon... But by then we would have left the place...

After checking out from the room, there was still like 1 hour or so before taking the ferry back to the mainland... so me, =.=, XY and S sat at the canteen playing bridge... its good that we taught PS and S how to play as they may apply those in the following week, hehe...

Just before we left the island, the whole company took a pic just outside the resort...

ECQ Retreat 2005

And the ESC members also gather for a shot...

ESC 2005

So finally the ECQ Retreat 2005 ended... next up the D & D...



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