Saturday, September 17, 2005

ECQ Retreat 2005 : Day 2

Snorkeling Trip

The 1st half of the day was a snorkeling trip to the Marine Park... Initially we thought that all equipments will be provided but only knew that we had to rent the gear the day before... but since already here I thought might as well just go lor...

We went to 2 places for snorkeling, one was the marine park... the water was not as clear as I have hope for... But since this is the first time that I have done snorkeling, I quite enjoy it... Think everyone went xiahai, even for S who dunno how to swim, except XY... That day was super hot and kena burnt after the session, even both my feet were not spared (shouldt have sat under the sun on the way back)...

Lazy Afternoon

Arrived back at the resort at about 1+, feeling famished, so went for lunch straightaway without taking a bath... Luckily lunch was not too bad, rice with drumstick (should have asked for a second serving... :P) ... Went back to my room after lunch and =.= was in the shower so had to wait a while... After lunch, PS and the rest jio to go to the rock pool, but I did not join them as I have locked up the toilet door in my room unintentionally and had to wait for the person to come to open (Later heard that the gang went hor lan on the way to the rock pool, instead went jungle trekking ... :D) ... I was quite amazed that the resort do not have the key to open the toilet door in my room, and that the person had to use brute force to force the door open...

After the saga, went to the DoTA room for a game... I think it was me, sotong and one more person (think is DM its 13) against =.= and templar... And as usual, kena owned badly... So all in all, played really badly on Tioman... Later went back to my room, and the rest also returned from their trekking... subsequently all of them cramped in my room for some card games, think me playing bridge with HT, ET and XY while the rest played Big 2... then CW and IP came and we had a game of pictionary... some of them is really good at guessing, even though the drawing some times doesn't really reflect the actual answer... All in all, had a good fun though... by the time the game ended, it was around dinner time...

BBQ Dinner and Lantern Session

Dinner was some BBQ stuff... the staff was giving out the BBQ prawn and we can grab the rest of the food ourself... I sat with CW, IP, ET, HT, CK and MK... Overall, dinner was not too bad, esp like the meat (was it mutton or beef?)... CW offer to go outside buy beer, and I also ordered a can... Then CK go made some garlic bread for the whole table, and MK teased him that he made the best garlic bread in an attempt to make him get more (and succeeded btw... :p)... Later on the tour leader also came around offering garlic bread which we politely decline as we already had enough... Seen that the other table where the MCs were sitting also drank a lot of beer, even offering Linda's son...

After dinner most of the people from my table went to the beach bar to watch the movie (there was a big screen, initially with no sound only the picture, but after CK's probe, they turned on the sound...), while I waited for the lantern session to start... we stayed at the dining area to light the lanterns for everyone before proceeding to the beach... we also brought some fire sparklers here which everyone got themselves some to play with... that ET then set my lantern ablaze, which is the 1st to be kenaed on the night.... from then on everyone was trying to burn other people's lantern... distinctly remembered a few of the guys chasing Newbie around... then we had a group photo taken.... After the session, a few of us went outside to get some drinks before going back to our rooms again...

Powerless Evening

Went to XY's room this time to play cards instead of my room... got a surprise visit from KH and MH... and when Linda and her daughter also dropped by, we started playing heart attack... After a while, CW and IP came with Pictionary again and we switched to that... It was not long before the whole room was blacked out... The power supply was cut off... And there was no sign of the lights coming back even after an hour, although some of the lights in the common area was up again...

Luckily there were still some lanterns left over from earlier, so CW and S started to light them up and hang them outside of the room... As some of the lanterns were red in colour, to hang them outside of FL, S and XY's room was a bit the 怪...

By this time almost everyone was gathering outside for their room respectively as it was very stuffy inside the room... Then YM started playing some tune with his trombone... As the night was pretty quiet, the tune that he played can be heard from afar...

By this time, I was pretty restless also... sometimes staying outside of the room chatting with the people around, other time went back to room and nua on the bed... but then it was too stuffy to stay in the room for long without the aircon... so finally still left the room and play big 2 with CK, ET and HT at the canteen area... We played until 2+ then i decided to went back my room to sleep... But quite a lot of people were sleeping at the canteen area as the rooms were really hot and stuffy...

However before I left my room, MK was gathering people, namely D, RT, M, and S , into my room, saying that he can summon some unnatural beings... (hmmm... wonder if we could trust his word here at Tioman)... Anyway I dunno what exactly happened but heard from the others that they heard some laughter coming out from my room... But after a while everyone came out but did not say what had happened (makes me wonder)... But I was still able to sleep through the night unscathed...



Anonymous Anonymous said...

erm.............................. it was 13 in our team..... hahaha.....

17/4/06 12:22 AM  

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