Saturday, December 03, 2005

Every Day is a New Day

Finally get to watch Chicken Little yesterday... Wanting to watch it for one month already, although it was only opened in SG this week... went Tampines Mall for the show after skating at ECP in the afternoon with S and XY... We arrived at TM at around 645pm and bought the tickets for the 850pm show...

Decided to go for dinner first at Ding Tai Feng, while waiting for seats, met D and XH... was juz discussing with S and XY about the possibility of meeting frens here, even though it is out of city area... Overall the dinner was pretty good except for the complimentary Hot and Sour soup (supposed to be 酸辣汤), which is really only hot (烫) and sour (酸)... Think we had ordered too much (3 person with 6 dishes), which makes me really full after the dinner...

Chicken LittleThe show is really good for relaxing and makes you laugh your hearts out for the duration of the show ... It all started out with Chicken Little's "The sky is falling" blunder, which makes him a laughing stock in the whole town even after a year... though I think Chicken Little is quite resourceful with some of his antics, like using the pressure from a bottle drink to propel himself up 2 storeys...

Runt - I Will SurviveAnd all of his frens are really funny characters, i.e. Abby the Ugly Duckling, Runt of the Litter and Fish out of Water, although each in a different way... Especially can't stop laughing when Abby and Runt started singing the Spice Girls' song, with the dance moves no less... and Runt really likes to sing a lot, and singing helps to calm himself down as well...


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