Saturday, December 10, 2005

Going Off Site

Have been going off site a lot this week, went to GDC and Prisons on alternate days... Encountered some problem during deployment though, as the scripts can't seems to work at staging environment when all was well in dev... As the weeks goes by though, I found myself learning quite a lot of new things... and I could safely say that I could type pretty well after this week (as I have been typing a lot of unix command...)

And it seems that SG is really a small place as I had met the Ops Officer during my NS time at GDC.. Apparently he is working at GDC now... It was like 5 ~ 6 years since we last met, and I'm quite surprised that he can still recognise me... (maybe I did not change a lot during this time)...

Anyway the launch of the SPS website would be today actually, although not all the things are completed yet... Will be going down for the launch later...


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