Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Gaming @ Settlers

Went for another board gaming session later in the day. But at least this time did not go Pitstop Cafe, we went Settlers at North Canal Road instead... Left office at around 7pm after meeting up with SM. AJ and JX were already waiting at the Clarke Quay MRT, so along with ET, the 3 of us took a bus down to meet them. HJB arrived soon after we met up with the ladies.

The Settlers Of CatanAt the cafe, each of us ordered a set dinner. A free gaming of 2 hours comes with the purchase of 4 set meals. And the meal includes the soup of the day, main course, soft drink and ice cream. I ordered a chicken chop which tasted pretty normal... The game we chose to play is called The Settlers of Catan. The game is very much similar to Travian, an online game which I'm currently playing, or Civilization. The main objective is to obtain 10 points, either through building Settlement / City or obtaining certain development cards. Each settlement would generate a certain amount of resources, which in turn would let you build roads or more settlements. The game lasted for 2 hour + and in the end, ET won.

Settlers Cafe


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