Sunday, November 21, 2004

Busy Weekend...

Poor me... Its been a busy weekend for me as I went back to office on both saturday and sunday... Sometimes i wonder why do I work so hard, but I guess I'm just being responsible to both myself and my teammates... Trying to complete all he task on schedule is not easy, but I think with perserverance, it can be done. One thing good about going back to office to work is that I'll not get to roam around and spent money unnecessarily... But still, I don't think its a good idea to work everyday...

Anyway, AJ made a surprise appearance in the office on Saturday, although not totally unexpected. We played a round of pool to take a break from my work. And after work, we went to Delifrance @ Capitol for TB, along with JX and ET. Then JX went to meet her bf, and the 3 of us bought sandwich, made our way down to the Merlion park, where we consumed our dinner. We sat for a while, talked a bit, then went home... At least a break away from work is good...


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