Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Chicken Rice... eventually

Wednesday is supposed to be chicken rice day, i.e. we'll usually go for the chicken rice stall at Adelphi... but somehow today everyone was quite nua to go... Drag and drag until about 1230, when JL ask whether me and JX wanna 'da bao' chicken rice. But at that point of time, i was on the phone, so wasn't able to give JL a clear verbal answer (but i thought my gesture shown otherwise...). Anyway, when I hung up my phone, JX and JL said they did not order for me... arghh... In the end have to ask RT to buy lunch for me...

Anyway, maybe its good that I did not eat chicken rice at lunch after all. Cos later on, I was having chicken rice for dinner! Me, ET, HT and LW went to a cafe/coffeeshop at Purvis Street for dinner. This is my 1st time there, and found that the whole street was full of furniture shops and eateries (hmm... do they go together?)... The food was not bad but the distance of the shop from office was somewhat far...

More to come later... :)


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