Friday, November 26, 2004

Skating in the City

It certainly feels different to skate in town and in park... Went skating with JX and AJ last night at the Esplanade at around 8 plus. This is the 1st time I'm skating in a place other than a park, so it feels a bit strange, somemore i had to wear my old pair of rollerblades, which will get rather uncomfortable after a while.

We started to blade at Esplanade and there is a downslope at the place the starting point, where we are going underneath the Esplanade Bridge to cross over to the other side of the road. I was the 1st to go, and it was pretty scary at the 1st try, cos at the end of the slope there is this drain cover, which I thought my wheels might get stuck in between the gaps. In the end there was no such problem and we managed to get through to the other side unscathed (though JX had a bit of struggle before finally going down the slope).

We skated for a few rounds in Esplanade Park before going all the way down to The Promenade (to the stretch opp Boat Quay, which is not too far away actually) and back. By the time we went back to Esplanade, its around 1 hour plus later and we decided to call it a day.

Hmm.... not a bad idea to have a nice little workout on a friday evening!


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