Sunday, August 28, 2005

Sunday Soccer... Finally...

It's been N months since I last kicked a ball so when YS asked me to join his friends play this morning , I duly obliged. Actually I was supposed to join them last week when YM (the genius who is not so clever) jio me to go. But I overslept on the occasion (must be farming too much the night before, hehe)...

When I reached, no one that I know of has arrived yet, but there was only one group of players at the field so I guess they must be the one. Within minutes, Newbie (R) arrived together with Spectre (WL). So this is the first time I met Spectre offline and notice that he is a Spurs (arch - rival) fan by the jersey he was wearing.

We started the game as 6 vs 6, and one by one people came... By the time all the people arrived, I think we have about 8 vs 8. As usual, my boots is giving me a lot of problem, cos its too tight... Within 15 ~ 20 minutes into the game, I can feel the blister started to form... arghhh... To make matter worse, I had to slip and fell in my attempt to cross the ball in one of my rare forays upfront. Bad luck I suppose. But still I feel good after playing soccer for the first time in months... Could have enjoyed it more in a better pair of boots...

So things to buy for the coming month would include: a new pair of soccer boots and a new PC perhaps (Comex 2005 coming up, hehe)...


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