Thursday, December 15, 2005

DOTA Competition

Dota Competition

Then on thursday was the DOTA competition at E-games at Prinsep Street... not that our team have a lot of practices, but thought we would be doing ok... how wrong I was as it transpire...

Here's the team line-up:

ECQ (Scourge)

o2 (Sentinel)

Treant (kian)
Earthshaker (templar)
Lich (UT)
Venomancer (me)
Queen of Pain (j e v x)
Rogue Knight
Stealth Assasin

From the start I knew we were in trouble as UT and temp were getting killed pretty early in the game... I was on the left lane with kian and Omni was solo-ing in my lane... Keep planting my wards in between the trees and manage to farm up quite a bit, and oso not dying... And suprisingly could save up to buy blink dagger and boots on my 1st shopping trip at the spa... Managed to clear the 1st left tower...

However things started to go wrong as jev and temp were getting killed, and our mid tower was gone... Then a level gap starts to appear and we were getting killed in gb, with sk being repelled by omni then epi... In the end, it was gg after almost an hour into the game, and we had only managed to down 3 of their towers, kill - death ratio was like 1 : 5...

After the game, our reactions were as if we had won... lol... Had a good fun and it was a pretty nice experience... The whole atmosphere was generally noisy, not only from the sound of the game but also from the people shouting to teammates the movement of the opponent... Special thanks must be mentioned to Brudder Luv, Newbie, Obi for their presence at the game venue supporting us, even though we could not survive the 1st round...


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