Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Watching King Kong

King Kong

Watch King Kong with E on wednesday as she got a pair of free tix from her company, and her fren fly pigeon at the very last minute... Actually only confirmed going like 1/2 hour before the show at 630pm, so was a bit rush for me...

Reached Suntec at around 715 and missed about 20 minutes of the show... But think it was ok as nothing dramatic happened during the early part of the show... In fact, after watching the first 40 minutes of the show, I still dun feel like I was watching King Kong... Then during the middle of the show, one would feel like watching Jurassic Park, seeing all the Dinos roaming around and squaring off with big King Kong... As YM (a.k.a. Obiwan) puts it, this show could be appropriately renamed as King Kong vs T-rex... hehe... The show lasted for 3 hours, and promptly ended at 10pm...


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