Saturday, December 17, 2005

XY's Birthday

Went to Hark Cafe for XY's birthday celebration on friday... Was supposed to leave office at around 7pm, but StupidGenius was still at home around 15 minutes earlier, so played pool at the back with E, PS and S... In the end left at around 730pm...

At first wanted to go Minds Cafe but it was fully booked, so went to Hark instead which is just next to Minds and very near E-game (place where the DOTA Compy was held)... We were sat at a table which was not big enough for all of us, which includes D, E, PS, S, XY, SG and me... So I tried to move one of the tables closer to another when one corner of the glass top cracked and dropped off... :O ... think it was already cracked before we came... Anyway we then place order for our food...

The singer started to perform at around 845pm... and the theme for the day is "I am also a singer" (literally translated)... Then XY, being our birthday, was "invited" to sing a song onstage, though unwillingly should I say... She chose Fish Leong's 如果有一天 and the singer also sang along with her as backup... Managed to complete the song, which was captured by SG on video... After that the birthday cake was served and the present was presented, a gigantic Tigger, in which all the ladies present seems to like so much that each of them took a pic with it...

We chit chatted and heard some of the audience went up onstage to perform... I think those who went up didn't sing too badly as well.. After that we decided to go KTV at Chinatown, D and PS didn't join though... So the five of us continue our session late into the night...


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