Saturday, January 14, 2006

Mahjong Session

Had a mahjong session on Saturday. It was scheduled at 1pm at JX's place. But left home quite late actually, and needed to change 3 buses before arriving. On the way, AJ called to say she was on her way, so I thought I'll be the last one to arrive. I reached at about 130pm but only HJB has come. And so we waited... ... 230pm liao but AJ still not here, so we took turns to call / message her but got no replies. Meanwhile, the 3 of us started playing a warm-up round.

Mahjong @ JX

Finally, AJ did arrive at around 3pm. As it turned out, she hol-lan-ed and made a wrong turn at the Expressway and went straight up to Changi! As she was driving, she did not pick up our phone calls. But she did bought some potato chips for her late arrival. And so we started playing, at a small rate of 1-2. One round and 3.5 hours later, we decided to call it a day. My total winnings was $4.90, which is about enough to cover for my dinner.

JX and HJB wanted to go skating later, but as I did not brought my stuff, so did not join them. AJ then gave me a lift to Yio Chu Kang MRT on her way back home.


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