Sunday, January 22, 2006

A (not so) Lazy Sunday

Just woke up and receive a call from PK to go breakfast at 9am. Went to another prata shop nearby. Order 2 pieces of prata this time, and it was very filling. Work a bit after breakfast but time seems to fly very fast while working. Soon it was lunch liao.

This time we split into 2 groups to have lunch, else DT would have to lunch alone as his wife had went back to Singapore. So D, DT, XY and me went to a nearby restaurant for lunch, while the rest went back the same vegetarian restaurant. The restaurant's decor was very oriental. We ordered half a chicken plus 2 side dishes and chicken rice. Food was not too bad, and finally able to have some meat after days of vegetarian food.

Chicken Rice Restaurant

Rest a bit after lunch and back to more work. After further discussion with DT and XY, found that I would need to implement more stuff. DT suggest to go jogging in the evening. But did not go as I have not brought my track shoe here. Waited for DT to come back before going for dinner. And you may have guessed it, we went back to the same restaurant again... This time though, the boss gave us some curry puffs, which were unsold for the day. This would be my breakfast for the next day. Accompanied BK to an optic shop to fix her specs after dinner.

Optics Shop

Went back hotel watch TV after that. Spiderman 2 and I Robot was showing at the same time on different channels. Later on watch the epic clash between Man U and Liverpool. So a sunday has gone by in a pretty uneventful manner.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

muahahahahahaha............. when Elaine comes back remember to claim a meal from her........... her original task hahahahaha........... if she treats you hor, then call me along........ free meal hahahaha................

22/4/06 5:53 AM  

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