Saturday, January 21, 2006

Updates From Bandar Seri Begawan

3rd4th day here liao. Everyday working in hotel and only went out for regular meals. Quite a few tasks on hand actually. Progressing slowly by the day. Finally know what I have forgotten to bring here, my Vaporub. So went to the mall to buy one on thursday after dinner. Also got a bottle of 枇杷膏 for my cough. Managed to play a game of DOTA with PK and XY on Thursday night. XY and me vs PK. PK uses sand king and XY, skeleton king. I randomed Necrolyte. All went center lane as it was 2 vs 1. PK was killing us all the time cos he was faster in levelling up. Although we managed to down his 2 mid towers first. Then we were all disconnected, due to the poor network connection here at the hotel.

Yesterday had breakfast with DT, his wife and XY at a nearby prata shop. The prata taste not much different from those in Singapore. Then back to hotel for more work. Lunch as usual at the same vegetarian restaurant, where I had all my meals before today's breakfast. SS bought a cake for everyone after lunch. Then there was staff meeting back in office at 330pm, so we all squeezed into XY's room for the meeting, where we skyped back to Singapore. A lot of changes in policy, but not many good news IMO. But its one of the rare times that the whole team here is together. Although during the meeting, everyone was still working as well.

Gather For Staff Meeting

After the meeting, DT and SS still gotta go for a meeting at somewhere else. So we all waited for them to come back for dinner at XY's room. PK kept entertaining everyone with what he said. Finally, SS came back from meeting at about 8+. And so we went back to the same restaurant for dinner. We went back to the place so many time that when we requested for a discount, the boss promptly gave us one (a 10% discount). And the boss thought we not coming for dinner today as we were so late. After dinner, went for coffee at a cafe nearer the hotel.

Vegetarian Restaurant in Brunei

At least I've stock up some food this time, in case I felt hungry at night again. More updates in a couple of days bah (though I think nothing interesting to write here...)


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