Wednesday, March 08, 2006

At Pitstop Again

Wednesday went PitStop Cafe again, the first time since I came back from Brunei. This time D, DT, and XY also came along with the usual suspects S, StupidGenius and me. It was the first time for DT and XY if I remembered correctly. S and SG had brought D and E here while I was away.

We ordered our dinner and started playing Jenga while waiting for the food to come...

Me In Jenga Action
Play still goes on after this move, but it was my next move that causes the collapse.

Then SG's friend SW also dropped by for dinner. Played Guessture after dinner, had played this game before with the "home team". Once again S, SG and me team up against the Roses team of D, DT and XY. We managed to win again, although only just.

The second game of the day was Imaginiff. This is a pretty interesting game. The game goes like this: Each round, one of the players is chosen as the "subject" of a question. The question, picked up randomly from a stack of question cards, has 6 multiple choice answers. The question is read aloud and all the players vote on the answer they think is correct. Points are awarded to the players that chose the most popular answer. But I thought points should be awarded to the players whose answer matches the "subject"'s choice. In the event that the "subject" is not present, then should award to the most popular choice bah... This game interestingly demonstrates to a certain extent, how much you know your friend or how people perceive them. S prevailed in this game.


Finally, we played a game called "I'm the Boss". It is some negotiating game that involves some investor (a card in which each player got one at the beginning of the game). During the negotiation of a deal, people will try to undercut each other or form partnership to try to conclude the deal. After a deal has completed the negotiation phase, there is still a possibility of a sabotage by other players not involve in the deal with an action card. Players involve in closing the deal will be given a certain amount of money. The objective of the game is to get as much monies out of the deals as possible.

I'm The Boss

In the beginning, it was really chaotic as everyone was always trying to sabotage anyone even before negotiation ends. As the game goes on, more and more strategy of negotiation came out. D is the winner for this game.


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