Sunday, November 28, 2004

An Eventful Night / Day?

Time: 1am

Went to bed at around this time... Thought it was going to be a peaceful night as usual, little did I expect the events would unfold in such a dramatic fashion (although it was not really so dramatic la...). I was sleeping quite soundly when I 'feel' that something is vibrating around me... and indeed it was my hp, in silent mode (oh and why did I put my hp so close to me?! Arrrgh, the radiation...).

Time: 2:25am

Rubbing my dreamy eyes, I took a glance at the hp's LCD display... realised that there was a missed call and 2 new sms-es, which were all from AJ... She told me that she had misplaced her keys (housekeys to be precise), and that she was locked out (cos her parents weren't around coincidentally). She suggested that we meet at the office the next morning to check if the keys were there (fyi, she put her barang barang at my desk the previous day). Still in a semi-conscious state, I called her to ask what had happened and that how/where is she going to spend the night. She told me not to worry and, knowing that she what an independent gal she is, I acknowleged and promised to call her again when I wake up the next day.

Time: 2:40 ~ 3:25am

As soon as I put down the phone, reality sets in... As my mind began to clear up, I became more and more worried. "Omg, where can a gal go in such a late night." And so I sms-ed her to ask for her location and offer my help, if any. She said that she is saddened by the events that had happened and that nothing can make her feel better. At this point of time, my anxiety really shot up sky high... due to the fact that I dunno her exact location (except that she was in the East) and that I was really helpless in this situation. In my anxiety, I told her straight about how i felt at that moment (due to some previous event, I dunno how my words would affect her, esp in such a situation)... but I couldn't care less... We exchanged a few sms-es before her reply fell short (i.e. no reply la)... In the spur of the moment, I decided that since there is really nothing I can do, I shall wait until the next morning... (how I wish i could have handled this better... "hello brain, can't you work a little bit harder...grrrh")

Time: 4am

By this time, my thoughts are running wild... usually I'm not one who think so much, but where AJ is concerned, this doesn't apply anymore... I was tossing and turning on my bed... thinking and thinking... before slowly dozing off...

Time: 5:35am

Woke up at around this time... and decided to wash up and head straight down to office...

Time: 6:40 ~ 8:30am

Reached the office and found her keys there. Called her a couple of times, but were all unanswered. So I left her a couple of messages. All I could do now is wait... and I can tell you this feeling is d*** bad...

Time: 8:40 ~ 11:15am

Decided to roam around instead of sitting down there and wait... I dunno where i'm heading but simply just walked and walked to keep myself occupied... Call JX at around 11am to ask if AJ contacted her... And finally received AJ's sms at around 11:15am... Felt like dropping a heavy stone from my heart (altough her heavy stuff are still with me physically...)

Time: 12:30pm

And finally meet up with AJ to pass her her stuff and keys... It was a brief meeting and I know not what to say... except to ask her if she slept well and tell her to rest well for the rest of the day... I'm really relieved at the sight of her... but how I wished I could have expressed myself better... I know I still have a lot of things to say to her but just couldn't spelt them out... And I'm not sure if I should call her up... (any kind soul wanna advice? probably not cos it's only I, me and myself reading this entry...)


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