Friday, December 17, 2004

Christmas Dinner

This week had been a busy week for me, leading a bug's life (oh, my work is sent for QA this week, and the bugs has been coming in like no one else business)... Anyway, back to the Xmas dinner, which was on today at AJ's house...

Suppose to go there straight after work. But have to wait for SM to collect the turkey and meet us (i.e. JX, ET and me) at the office. In the meantime, me and JX tried to book a cab to go to AJ's house. But it took us like half an hour and we still could not get one (cos it was peak hours then). In the end, DT offered us a lift which we gladly accepted. :)

By the time we arrived at AJ's house, it was almost 8pm already... And some of the food we've brought still requires some heating up to be done, namely the turkey and the ham... sounds pretty straightforward rite, simply heat up the stuffing for the turkey, the turkey itself, then the ham and we're ready to go (well, read on to find out more)...

Problem #1:

After heating up the stuffing, we proceed to heat the turkey. But the turkey was too big to be put into the microwave oven. After a bit of surgery to dissect the turkey, we've managed to put it into the oven. Upon closing the lit and turning on the switch, sparks were seen in the oven, which wasn't quite right (think it was caused by the aluminium foil wrapping the turkey).

Then AJ found another electric heater/steamer (or whatever that is) which she said we could use as an alternative... Just that she forgot to told us not to wash the device (because it runs on electricity). When the device was plugged in and turned on, it just short-circuited and the whole house went into a state of darkness (the power supply was cut off).

Finally, we decided to put the turkey into a wok and steam it instead. But then there was 1 last problem, again the turkey was too big and the lit could not be fully covered. So we use the lit of the electric steamer as cover and finally we can sit back and wait for the food to be ready...

Oh yes, there is still the ham. After going through so much trouble with the turkey, AJ decided that the ham can be served cold, since it was cooked, and we just need to heat up the sauce. So much about the food, at least we can still take the pizza for the time being...

Problem #2:

Then there is this red wine brought here by ET. And somebody forgot to tell him to bring the cork screw and the best thing is, AJ don't have one as well... So, we tried to find whatever things that we can use to open up the bottle. We managed to find a screw and asked AJ for a screwdriver and a plier before we started working on getting the cork out of the bottle. And it took like 3 engineers and some 15 minutes before we finally got that thing out...


By this time, it was already past 930pm... We just sat around a table and enjoy the food and drinks... Next comes the little game that AJ has thought up... The first game was to guess who ate the speically prepared bun, with butter and wasabi spread, by judging on the looks and reactions of the people who took the bun (3 people was determined to eat the bun by drawing lots). And HJB got the honour of eating 'that' specially prepared bun for the first 2 rounds, while I got it for the next round.


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