Tuesday, December 07, 2004

The Wedding of NS

Attended the very first wedding dinner of my friend last night (more to come in the coming weeks). NS is the initial of the groom and the bride rather than the acronym of something that all Singaporean guys went through for 2 ~ 2.5 years of their life...

The bride was my secondary school classmate. We were in the same class for 2 years and I still remember that she could solve every single Maths problem that comes her way... Anyway back to the dinner, the few of us who were invited (around 12 + 2, will explain later) met up at Suntec before proceeding to the hotel where the dinner was held. Or rather I should say we accepted her invitation...

So why the number 12 + 2? Actually there are two interpretations: Each table at the banquet can sit 12 people, so all of us were divided into two tables by the number 12 and 2 (poor BL and BH were the ones isolated at the other table...). Another way of interpreting is that 12 of us there were her fellow classmates along with our class form teacher Mrs Lim and son.

How time has passed so quickly... To think that our form teacher was about my age then, just starting out her career as a school teacher when we were still in sec 3. Now, she is a mother of 2 already! But I think its good that my class has been keeping in touch pretty often, at least a couple of time every year, given the hectic schedule of everyone. I first knew of this event during the class gathering in March and we were still talking about it at the Homecoming dinner in August and busy updating our contact info.

Anyway this is probably the 1st of many to come... Already round 2 is just around the corner in two weeks time. And I won't be surprised if I got another 'red bomb' from the ladies in my class next year, judging by what I've seen yesterday... :)

(As for the guys in my class, think most of us need to buck up... me included... hehe)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

so how much ang pow money did you give?

16/4/06 12:07 PM  
Blogger THierry said...

Eighty bucks bah... think this should be around the market rate... this is KCM i would guess...

16/4/06 12:07 PM  

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