Sunday, December 05, 2004

Singapore Marathon 2004

Went for the event this morning... woke up at 6am, was supposed to wake up earlier, but slept late last night cos was chatting online... Anyway, when I arrived at the Esplanade Bridge at around 715am (where the starting point was), they already flaggd off for those running 10km, which was at 7am... (fyi, I was running in the 10km run, not the full marathon if that was what you think) But its ok cos I was running just for fun, not competing or what...

About 1km into the run, met YS at the other side of the road going opposite direction. He was running in the full marathon along with 4 other guys from ECQ (really "pei fu" these guys)... After running past the 3km mark, I decided to start walking... Cos was feeling a bit uncomfortable, probably due to the breakfast (but I only ate 2 slices of bread)... So for the rest of the run, I just run a bit then walk a bit (dunno for how many cycles)... before finally completing the whole 10 km, which took me like 1hr 15 mins...

Met YM, JZ and TZ after the run while collecting my barang barang from the deposit area... We took a couple of photos as a memento and decided to go back office after that... (and oh, they actually have a medal for anyone who participated in the run, even for those running 10km... hehe)... And SK called while I was at office; he was running in the half-marathon, so he finished the run later than me... But he was going home straight after the run so we didn't meet up (anyway will be seeing him tomorrow at the dinner lor)...

Went for breakfast, or lunch I should say, with YM, JZ and TZ. At first I didin't want to take anything, but decided it was probably better to eat now so that I can sleep straightaway later at home... and oh, I'm supposed to go rest now, why am I still writing here... :P

PS: Wonder if I can take MC tomorrow, cos feeling really lethargic after the run... But if i do, think JX is gonna kill me, literally...


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