Saturday, December 11, 2004

Urban Skating II

Join the zigzagueur for an urban skating session this evening. Initially I wasn't intending to go, cos there was only 1 person I knew in the group (HJB), but suddenly just feel like going skating... Anyway I managed to get to know more people after joining the session today.

The route we took today was pretty similar to the previous urban skating session, but a bit longer... This time the group went to Boat Quay and then all the way down to Clarke Quay... along the way we stopped a couple of time, where the group started demostrating their slalom skills... it was quite an impressive sight, which attracted the attention of the public, especially the tourists ... while I was taking a seat admiring their skills as well...

I was quite surprised that I could wore that pair of skates for more than 3 hours before starting to feel the pain (FYI, this pair of skates have served me pretty badly, my feet got blisters every single time I wore them without fail)... maybe its because I've finally managed to place the plaster at the most 'strategic' position this time...

Even though it was inspiring seeing the rest doing their tricks so well, I think I'll not have the patience (or passion maybe) to really go and master the skills... Think I'd just prefer to skate... especially in the urban area at late night (just like going for night cycling)... But in order for me to do so, I'd still need to horne my skating skills (and of course getting a pair of new skates)...

PS: Oh... was planning to go shopping this evening, but guess I'll have to do it some other time (asap bah... cos some things have to be gotten by this week... :p)


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