Thursday, March 09, 2006

Pool Session

Thursday went for a pool session at Meridian. DRQ suggested going, although it was XY who organised the event. Was very tired on the day due to lack of sleep the previous day (Ars vs Real... hehe). Had dinner first at the food court at the basement before going up to the pool parlour on the 2nd floor. Attendees for this event were: CK, D, DRQ, ET, HL, StupidGenius, XY, and me.

For so many of us, we only get one table for play... lolz. Perhaps we are too used to gathering around a table and watching people play... For the first round, each and everyone took turns to play. After that the winner could stay on and played the next game. No prize for guessing who stayed the longest at the table. It was D, who had beaten everyone before relinquishing the que.

Updated: And in my very dizzy state of mind, I still managed to win a couple of games. Think I could have fell asleep while waiting as well... :P

The session ended at near to 11pm and took a train home with DRQ and XY after that.


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